Monday, August 11, 2008


Miguel's started to give Diego little lessons on how to work like a man.
I'm not sure what Diego thinks of that yet...especially in the heat 
we are having now!

So as you can see the Makarios house is coming along.  The foundation is complete and the walls are going up!  Thats pretty much where Miguel is Monday through Friday.  He and Garrett oversee the project and the guys working there.  

Several weeks ago now, Miguel decided he would start a Bible study on the work site.  Once a week the Makarios staff gets together for a staff meeting and time of prayer.  Miguel never attended that before because he was always managing the crew at the job site.  So Miguel decided it would be a good idea to start something for the construction crew.  Every Friday morning he gets together with the guys and has a time of reading the Word and prayer.  The guys have really taken a liking to it and they are having some great discussions.  Since none of the crew really knows much about the Bible, they decided to start at the beginning in Genesis.  

If you think of it, keep Miguel in prayer as he leads this time every Friday morning.  The guys usually have lots of questions and input on what they thought was true about the Bible and God and Adam and Eve, etc.  Pray against Satan's attacks of discouragement and distraction from the Truth. 


Noella said...

So how hot is it? Your Papi is teaching you some great lessons there Diego! Keep working hard!

Papa & Nano said...

An absolutely, amazing job well done thus far! We are so proud of you, Miguel and that goes for all the hands that are working on it. We are praying for your Bible study also. We love you all so much!

C.A.F. said...

So proud of all the progress that's taking place down there! I love you guys! Keep up the good work!

Ben and Melissa said...

Looks like great progress! We will be praying for you Miguel.