Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Our finish by September 16th, or if we can a week earlier.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Miguel and Jennie!! I don't think I've ever built anything thats still standing. :)
Glad "Dean" got lost on the way to the DR. Dad

Ben and Melissa said...

Looks great you guys! Good job! It looks pretty big too! Love Ben, Melis and Maddie

C.A.F. said...

I so wish I could be down there to help out! Know that I'm thinking of you guys and am so proud of you. Give Vlady a big hug and kiss from me!

Ben and Melissa said...

Hey Jen and Miguel! Hope you are having a great week and that you were able to accomplish a lot on the school house! We love you.

Papa & Nano said...

I can hear the bell ringing already! What a wonderful gift to give to those kids. Wish I could see their faces on the first day of school. Your doing a fabulous job! If I were there, I'd wash your feet at the end of each day. Love you both so